Build A Puppy Whelping Box

Here is a photo of a 4' x 4' whelping box that has been painted. (click to enlarge this photo) When closing the lower door, and opening the top door, this gives Mom a much easier access to her puppies.
Build a puppy whelping box. A whelping box 4 feet square is suitable for a dog weighing anywhere from about 60 to 90 pounds. If your dog is much bigger or smaller, adjust the size accordingly. A large dog such as a Newfoundland or a Great Dane might need a box that’s 5 feet square, while a small breed such as a Shetland sheepdog is fine with a box about 30 inches square. Nov 7, 2014 - Explore Johanna Abouheit's board "Whelping Box", followed by 102 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Whelping box, Dog whelping box, Dog kennel. Even the US GOVERNMENT and NETWORK TV SHOWS choose our Whelping Box! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. We want you to be completely happy with your shopping experience from order to delivery. If you have questions about our Whelping boxes give us a call! 816-809-9545. Your satisfaction is always guaranteed! On top of the plethora of things to do, you need a contained, safe, and warm whelping box for your bitch, which will protect the puppies during birth and their early life. Whether you are in a one-off litter or an experienced dog breeder, the whelping box and the whelping kit are a must-have.
A great dog whelping box is designed for the sole purpose of protecting the litter from the cold or dangerous obstacles if they were able to roam free.On the mothers side, most whelping boxes come with a rail to prevent the puppies being crushed by the mother at night. Dogs use a whelping box look after a litter of puppies. A whelping box gives your momma dog and new puppies a safe haven for the first few weeks of the pups' lives. The box is essential to keep the puppies warm and contained and to give momma a safe place to rest and nurse. Proper construction is key to ensuring your whelping box is safe, warm, comfortable and that momma will actually use it. Whelping Box Plans and Ideas. There are a range of designs for whelping boxes. However, the three fundamental design principles stay the same: Ensure it has a big enough area for the dam and her puppies (minimum 4 foot square of floor space). A whelping box is just what you need to build. For those who have no idea what it is, a whelping box is constructed to ensure the safety of mother dog and her young puppies, after they are born. Some dogs just wander around looking for private places to give birth.
The Dura-Whelp® whelping-box is made of top quality, extruded, 100% polypropylene plastic. The puppy rails are made out of vinyl with a wooden core and they cost about $150-$300 depending on the size. While the Durawhelp boxes are nice I personally think the Magnabox whelping boxes are the best “pre-made” wehlping boxes currently on the market Lovely work Rylie many thanks for sharing.It's a great idea to have something more substantial to keep the puppy enclosed. I was babysitting a friend's puppy last week and he got into all sorts of mischief, being super inquisitive and still prone to nibbling at everything he can find. Puppy Rails – you’ll want to install a rail (sometimes called a pig rail by farmers) around the inside edge of the whelping box approximately 5 inches or more off the floor to keep the bitch from smashing a puppy between her body and the wall causing suffocation. There’s a number of photos and instructions on the web about how to make. An added advantage to our heater kit is the mother stays comfortable in the center of the whelping box. She isn’t getting overheated by a heating pad or sunburned from a heat lamp. The pups will go to the mother when it’s time to feed and go back under the rail where it’s warm and safe.
A whelping box is a place for your female to deliver and raise the puppies, and it should be a place where she feels safe. Learn more about how to build a whelping box here. Pet Care Pet Health Pet Behavior & Training Breed Guide Pet Insurance Ask Dr. Debra How to Build a Whelping Box with Puppy Rails. The PetPlace website provides a very detailed set of step-by-step instructions on how to build a whelping box using plywood, wood strips, vinyl flooring, hinges, and corner braces. You'll also need to be handy in order to build this box as tools required are a circular saw and drill. Puppy rails are specially designed for the puppies whelping box, so puppy never stops in a corner, they just keep turning in a circle around the box. Our unique box design of Canine whelping box uses rubber liner pad to create a non-movement surface. We offer attachable weaning pen areas for your newborn puppies. A whelping box, sometimes called nesting box or birthing box, is where your pregnant bitch will feel comfortable enough to safely contain her puppies during their first days and weeks after birth.. A very good whelping box is designed to protect the litter from the cold and the dangers they could face if they were able to roam free. On the bitch’s side, each whelping box usually comes with a.